Forums - Fighting Game Chara's Based On Real People Or Other Refrences. Forums ( - General Discussion ( -- Fighting Game Chara's Based On Real People Or Other Refrences. ( Posted by Crayfish on June 24th, 2001 07:15 PM: Fighting Game Chara's Based On Real People Or Other Refrences. Can you think of fighting game characters that are based on real people or other refrences like movies? Here are some I can think of: (Street Fighter) M.Bison -Mike Tyson. When SF2 was released in the US, Capcom USA feared legal action by Tyson and so swapped the characters name, Making M.Bison into Balrog, Balrog into Vega and Vega into M.Bison. Fei Long -Bruce Lee. Dhalsim -Indian Yoga fighter from "One Armed Boxer 2" aka "Master of The Flying Guillotine". During the fight with the one armed boxer the Yoga fighters stretchy limbs chase him up into the roofing rafters, bonkers. (King of Fighters) Chin Gentsai -Sam Seed in "The Drunken Master" staring Jackie Chan. (Fatal Fury 2/Special) Axel Hawk -Esch "Butterbean" Bean. Any boxing fan will know of Butterbean the 300lb, 5 round champion. (Samurai Showdown) Jubei -M.Musashi. Inventor of the 2 sword system. (Final Fight) Mike Haggar -Jessie Ventura. The likeness is uncanny and Ventura used to be a wrestler. Also he is a goddamn sexual Tyranosaurus. Andore/Hugo -Andre the Giant. Anyone else, sure there are loads of others to speculate about. Crayfish. __________________ Meditation DJ Crystl Dee Jay 1993: Posted by Calibur on June 24th, 2001 07:34 PM: Don't forget Tekken. Lei, Jackie Chan and Law, losely translated into Bruce Lee __________________ "People don't recognize true greatness until some higher authority confirms it." Calvin and Hobbes. Posted by Million on June 24th, 2001 07:40 PM: Victor= Frankenstein's monster...too easy! Raiden(MK)--the actual Japanese Thunder God Ermac= "error machine" Buzz from Pit Fighter==Jerry Lawler?!?!? (that's my speculation) __________________ "the moment you become've already lost. Be like water." "Light is provided thru sparks of energy from the mind that travels in rhyme form. Giving sight to the blind...the dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum.." Behold! For I am the second coming.....of Bad News Brown. Posted by Crayfish on June 24th, 2001 07:44 PM: Can I just say now that characters from Darkstalkers and World Heroes don't count, lol. __________________ Meditation DJ Crystl Dee Jay 1993: Posted by ImMature on June 24th, 2001 07:45 PM: In the Fatal Fury series: Hon-Fu - Jackie Chan Tung Fu Rue - Muten Roi Jin Chonrei - Vegeta In Samurai Shodown: Haohmaru - Miyamoto Musashi Hanzo Hattori - same (real person) Jubei Yagyu - same (ditto) Amakusa - same (ditto) That's all I can think of by now... __________________ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) ==> best Windows API function EVER Posted by Crayfish on June 24th, 2001 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by ImMature In the Fatal Fury series: Tung Fu Rue - Muten Roi Jin Chonrei - Vegeta Who are these people, I would love to know because Tung is one of my alltime faves. Crayfish. __________________ Meditation DJ Crystl Dee Jay 1993: Posted by Spinkus on June 24th, 2001 08:03 PM: There's an FAQ at that explains references to many characters in SS2 Many characters in LB2 are based on characters from Rurouni Kenshin. Moriya=Kenshin Hibiki=Soujiro Seta Washizuka=Saitoh Hajime Mukuro=Shi-Shio etc. Also, Lee Rekka from LB2 is based on Jet Li's Wong Fei Hong in the Once Upon a Time in China series. __________________ The mullet is the reason why people hate you They are sick of looking at your nappy weed-sack Nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head Why don't you cut that mullet, you numbskull Posted by IronPanda on June 24th, 2001 08:06 PM: M.Bison- Sadam Hussein Clark(kof)- Arnold Swartzeneger __________________ Blood is thicker than money. Posted by ImMature on June 24th, 2001 08:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Crayfish Who are these people, I would love to know because Tung is one of my alltime faves. They're from Dragonball and DBZ __________________ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) ==> best Windows API function EVER Posted by Million on June 24th, 2001 08:07 PM: Powerstone... Wang Tang--apparently...any Supersaiyajin from the DBZ universe Jack--Jack the Ripper(a 19th century serial killer in London). It's hinted at in his ending. __________________ "the moment you become've already lost. Be like water." "Light is provided thru sparks of energy from the mind that travels in rhyme form. Giving sight to the blind...the dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum.." Behold! For I am the second coming.....of Bad News Brown. Posted by Neo Rasa on June 24th, 2001 10:51 PM: Yagyu Jubei - Yagyu Jubei Hattori Hanzo - Hattori Hanzo Tachibana Ukyo - Sasaki Gairyu Amakusa Shiro - Amakusa Shiro Charlotte - An eighties manga character who's name eludes me Haohmaru - Musashi Miyamoto Tung Fu Rue - Morihei Ueshiba Geese Howard - Neo Rasa Axel Hawk - Butterbean (Interesting side not: He was originally going to be based off of George Foreman, but SNK changed this at the last second, don't know why) Wolfgang Krauser - Karl Gotch Hon Fu - Jackie Chan Mike Hagger - Jesse Ventura Jin Chonrei - Vegeta Sokaku Mochizuki - The villain in The Dagger of Kamui, can't remember hsi name Hugo Andore - André the Giant Ralf Jones - Sylvester Stallone Clark Steel - Dolph Lundren Ryuji Yamazaki - Gary Busey Kato - Jean Claude van Damme Raiden - Earthquake's single with The Giant Machine's cowl Forget about that, let's look at videogame characters that INSPIRED NEW CHARACTERS! Mr. Big - The Godfather Bob Wilson - K'Quick Most of the cast of Samurai Shodowns II and III - The cast of Ninja Ressurrection The last episode of Xena - Every second of Sengoku __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by rook on June 25th, 2001 12:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa Raiden - Earthquake's single with The Giant Machine's cowl I always thought Raiden was inspired by Vader? Same mask and everything, down to the blond beard. Earthquake wasn't blond and the giant machine mask looked different, I thought. Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 12:37 AM: I used to think that too, but check out Earthquake in Samurai Shodown, I think HE'S inspired by Vader in a way. Goto! Check out the Machines write up and look at the initial picture, Raiden's Fatal Fury 1 portrait may as well have been digitized straight from it. __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by rook on June 25th, 2001 01:11 AM: SS Earthquake? oh... I thought you were talking about (and since you're a fellow wrestlecrapper) John Tenta! Hmm... I never realized that Raiden's mask was different from Vader's. Hmm, after all these years... Posted by ImMature on June 25th, 2001 01:45 AM: ?? Who are Morihei Ueshiba, Karl Gotch & Gary Busey? __________________ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) ==> best Windows API function EVER Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 01:57 AM: rook: I did mean John Tenta, seriously, check out he lightening style singlet he has as Earthquake! I think Raiden is in a way a merger of the Earthquake/Machines/Vader personas. Like he's basically the quintessential heal wrestler. He even turned face and took on the Big Bear persona later on! ImMature: 1) The founder of Aikido 2) A German wrestler 3) An American actor (have you seen the original Lethal Weapon film? You should, it's a great movie and Gary Busey plays a sadistic criminal lunatic in it ) __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by ImMature on June 25th, 2001 02:06 AM: Ok thanks __________________ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) ==> best Windows API function EVER Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 02:13 AM: You're welcome. __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by Crayfish on June 25th, 2001 03:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa Axel Hawk - Butterbean (Interesting side not: He was originally going to be based off of George Foreman, but SNK changed this at the last second, don't know why) Actually if you choose the kick colour in FF Special he is black and looks just like George Foreman's comeback incarnation. BTW how do you know this, I am very interested in the FF Special characters. Rasa at the site 'King of Fighters Perfect', they have got a movie of the japanese tv commercial for FF Spec. I don't think Rue is based on Ueshiba because they are different countries different arts even though the phisical likeness is striking. I think he represents the quintessential old kung fu master just like Raiden with pro wrestlers. Crayfish. __________________ Meditation DJ Crystl Dee Jay 1993: Posted by Testament X on June 25th, 2001 03:15 AM: You guys forgot about : Caffeine Nicotine-Based on Takuan,a Zen Buddhist monk that help Musashi and was his mentor. Earthquake-was also based on Shishido Baiken Ukyo-was also based on Zatoichi,ukyo use the same style Zato use on his movies. Neo Rasa: The manga Charlotte was based was The Rose of Versailles. Crayfish: Yagyu Jubei was never based on Musashi,you can check jubei history on SS and you will see that he also work for the shogun just like the real one,Jubei stage on SS is the Yagyu fief. Posted by ImMature on June 25th, 2001 03:18 AM: I promise I've always believed that Tung Fu Rue was based on Dragonball's Muten Roshi (sp? y'know, Goku's old & perverted sensei) instead! __________________ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) ==> best Windows API function EVER Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 03:51 AM: Crayfish: Maybe you're right, though I still attribute Tung's looks mostly to Ueshiba. Testament X: I didn't forget Ukyo, he's listed there with the others O_o;. Was Charlotte's name Charlotte in the Rose of Versailles comics? __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by rook on June 25th, 2001 01:21 PM: taken from Scott Fujimoto's SS2 character history FAQ on : "In 1972, Riyoko Ikeda wrote a famous manga (Japanese comic) series called The Rose of Versailles. It concerned the various dealings in Versailles right before the French Revolution. The main (fictional) character was Oscar Francois de Jarjayes, an aristocratic woman who wore men's clothing and a sword, and became the head of the guard at Versailles. Despite her background, she later turned on her employers and joined the French Revolution. Note that Charlotte throws a rose every time after winning a fight." cheers! Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 06:56 PM: Thanks man. __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by garetjaxx006 on June 25th, 2001 07:39 PM: Maybe I'm just going insane.... but doesn't the old man who poisons Jubei and tricks him into working for him in Ninja Scroll look an awful lot like Caffiene Nicotine from SS2? Or is it just me, lol.. __________________ CAKE... or DEATH!? Posted by o0ninja0o on June 25th, 2001 07:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by IronPanda M.Bison- Sadam Hussein Clark(kof)- Arnold Swartzeneger lol more like hitler Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 09:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by garetjaxx006 Maybe I'm just going insane.... but doesn't the old man who poisons Jubei and tricks him into working for him in Ninja Scroll look an awful lot like Caffiene Nicotine from SS2? Or is it just me, lol.. It's not just you. It's because Ninja Scroll, Ninja Ressurrection, and Samurai Shodown 1~2's characters were designed by the same person! __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by Testament X on June 25th, 2001 10:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa Crayfish: Maybe you're right, though I still attribute Tung's looks mostly to Ueshiba. Testament X: I didn't forget Ukyo, he's listed there with the others O_o;. Was Charlotte's name Charlotte in the Rose of Versailles comics? I know you didn't forget Ukyo,but you forgot to tell that Ukyo style comes from Zatoichi. Posted by Neo Rasa on June 25th, 2001 10:49 PM: Oops. *LOL* I had it in there too but deleted it before posting. I was like "Who the fuck's gonna care anyway?" __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer Posted by Dizzy on June 25th, 2001 10:52 PM: Heidern is a nazi+Herman Munster. __________________ Hey Sekiria! *smooch* ^.^ And now... Dizzy's ten commandments... 1.Thou shalt have right to an opinion. 2.If that opinion contradicts Dizzy's, it is wrong. 3.Thou shalt post with intelligence. 4.Thou shalt respect the girl gamers. 5.Honor thy moderators. 6.Thou shalt not insult SNK. 7.Thou shalt not overuse the word "scrub." 8.The word "cheap" shalt only be used by scrubs. 9.Thou shalt not spam. 10.Thou shalt not talk in the 3rd person(just kidding!) Consider these until I can think of a new signature... : / Posted by Hentai on June 25th, 2001 11:38 PM: i always thought most of the guys in SF2:WW were taken from that kickboxer movie with van-doof... black guy who rolls around alot (blanka) big sumo guy (honda) big wreslter guy (gief) etc, check it out in that frame of mind and tell me if im crazy... i also always thought Mortal Kombat took alot from "big trouble in little china".. Posted by C-Aran on June 25th, 2001 11:44 PM: in you may find some "funny" games... __________________ WELCOME TO A NEW MISSION!! Posted by Crayfish on June 25th, 2001 11:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Hentai i always thought most of the guys in SF2:WW were taken from that kickboxer movie with van-doof... black guy who rolls around alot (blanka) big sumo guy (honda) big wreslter guy (gief) etc, check it out in that frame of mind and tell me if im crazy... i also always thought Mortal Kombat took alot from "big trouble in little china".. I think you mean Bloodsport. I agree they were trying to get that kind of flavour. Actually its one of the things I love most about SF, the different styles and cultures represented, and one of the things I miss in more modern fightrs. There are so many other martial arts out there not yet represented. Yeah the "big trouble in little china" influence, no doubt. Look at Shang Tung. Crayfish. __________________ Meditation DJ Crystl Dee Jay 1993: Posted by Neo Rasa on June 26th, 2001 12:53 AM: You should all watch Bloodsport again. "Orgre" is the obvious inspiration for Jack Turner of the Art of Fighting series! And there's a guy in it that looks identical to Geese as well. I also felt the movie Best of the Best had some hand in inspiring the Art of Fighting series as well. Dan Rhee's character in Best of the Best IS Kim Kap Hwan. I like AoF series a lot. It suffered the World Heroes syndrome of having a LOT of innovative ideas, but having one or two borrowed ideas in it that branded it as an eternal ripoff. Edit... Crayfish: You're right about Big Trouble in Little China. One of the reasons I LIKED the original Mortal Kombat was because it was a complete and utter merger of Big Trouble in Little China and Enter the Dragon (right down to the Courtyard and Throne Room backgrounds ). __________________ "a huge ball of blue chi.......chi's fat and blue" ~Zyzyfer All times are GMT. The time now is 08:27 PM. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.